Mirror Loop, Virtual Audio Installation, 2022
WBUR Boston Article & Radio Segment on Sound On Mystic
Boston Globe Article on Sound on Mystic
Mirror Loop Sample Pack : Access all sounds used in this piece
“Mirror Loop” was funded as part of Medford Arts Councils first annual “Sound On Mystic” audio installation.
Combining music, spoken word, sound art and ambience into an immersive experience. Sound On Mystic was located along a two-mile stretch of the Mystic River in Medford and Arlington, Massachusetts, and was accessible via a mobile app that used GPS data to cue different sounds at various sites.
Mint Pillow’s portion of the Mystic River is a five minute walk from his home – where he field recorded a plethora of sounds with his son. He then took those recordings, cleaned, edited, and created the instruments with those sounds for “Mirror Loop”. No “real” instruments were used.
The percussive portion of the track represents the path that runs next to the river and serves as an anchor point for the park and song – using natural and unnatural sounds that are audible in the park such as water, birds, & cars were fed through randomness and chance algorithms to mimic the natural auditory beauty and chaos that’s always around us.
Mint Pillow’s been fascinated with the concept of “loops” – from creating tape loops to thinking about the “daily” loops we’ve been forced into due to the pandemic.